What exactly is music? There’s still no universal answer to this question. Scientifically speaking, making
music is nothing more than setting a few molecules in motion. Some scientists consider music to be an acoustic cheesecake, a pleasant but unnecessary product of chance? A philosophical question we will not pursue here.
For Ulrich, music always was and is perhaps the most subtle form of interpersonal communication. Everyone in the world understands it. You don't need any previous training. Music works equally on multiple sensory levels - auditory, kinaesthetic and emotional. It may even be that music is the last remaining medium with which we are still able to have a transcendental experience.
Well, we are currently on the verge of an age in which exponentially developing economic, technological and social indicators are influencing all of our lives to an extent that none of us can yet imagine. The whole world, everything we know, seems to be in upheaval.
Of course, these changes will have also a massive impact on art in general and music in particular. AI or the increasing monopolisation of the big streaming and media giants will create a completely new world order in the arts.
In search of possible new perspectives, Ulrich has spent the last four years analysing and questioning everything he thinks he knows about music and its economic and structural aspects.
For this reason his creative music platform LiminalZone.at now gets a sibling.
The OverTone.Space - a from now on constantly growing and evolving scope! With the genesis of OT.S, Ulrich now takes a bold step to explore the communicative potential of the medium of music, allowing sound to interact with other industries.
At OT.S, we want to ask ourselves how one of humanity's greatest cultural achievements can make a lasting contribution to shaping the future of us all. Maybe we can set an example, maybe we can make you wonder, Maybe we can even initiate a small revolution.
What exactly is music? There’s still no universal answer to this question. Scientifically speaking, making
music is nothing more than setting a few molecules in motion. Some scientists consider music to be an acoustic cheesecake, a pleasant but unnecessary product of chance? A philosophical question we will not pursue here.
For Ulrich, music always was and is perhaps the most subtle form of interpersonal communication. Everyone in the world understands it. You don't need any previous training. Music works equally on multiple sensory levels - auditory, kinaesthetic and emotional. It may even be that music is the last remaining medium with which we are still able to have a transcendental experience.
Well, we are currently on the verge of an age in which exponentially developing economic, technological and social indicators are influencing all of our lives to an extent that none of us can yet imagine. The whole world, everything we know, seems to be in upheaval.
Of course, these changes will have also a massive impact on art in general and music in particular. AI or the increasing monopolisation of the big streaming and media giants will create a completely new world order in the arts.
In search of possible new perspectives, Ulrich has spent the last four years analysing and questioning everything he thinks he knows about music and its economic and structural aspects.
For this reason his creative music platform LiminalZone.at now gets a sibling.
The OverTone.Space - a from now on constantly growing and evolving scope! With the genesis of OT.S, Ulrich now takes a bold step to explore the communicative potential of the medium of music, allowing sound to interact with other industries.
At OT.S, we want to ask ourselves how one of humanity's greatest cultural achievements can make a lasting contribution to shaping the future of us all. Maybe we can set an example, maybe we can make you wonder, Maybe we can even initiate a small revolution.